Seniors cultivate growth at this Florida church

Over the last 18 months, attendance at First Christian Church in Sun City Center, Florida has increased almost 25 percent, and the church is baptizing people nearly every month. Many churches may experience that kind of growth with a new building, but few do so by attracting new believers who are in their 70s and 80s.

“Of the baptisms we’ve had, only one person has been under the age of 60,” said Minister Dr. David Campbell, “And the oldest has been a 95-year-old man.” Campbell attributes both the growth in attendance and baptisms to members sharing their faith with friends and neighbors, and the ability to provide them with an inviting place to worship – rather than in a funeral home, where the church met previously.

Thanks to CDF’s investors, who provided funding for the new building, First Christian Church is meeting a growing need in this retirement community. “So many people are lonely, and have very little human contact during the week,” said Campbell. “But they see how much the church is interested in them, and they are responding to that personal interest.” Each new person is paired with a mentor in the church who connects with them weekly to meet any needs, pray and study Scripture. The new building also has allowed the church to offer many things it never was able to before: a Sunday school class for adults, a youth class during worship, men’s and women’s Bible studies, and a monthly fellowship meal.

When the church moved into its building in January 2012, weekly attendance averaged 120. During this past winter, that number grew to 150 people. Although attendance does tend to grow during the snowbird season, Campbell said this year, the increase is sticking, so the church plans to add a second service in the fall. “The most exciting thing about the past year has been the number of people who have accepted Christ at a late age in life,” Campbell reflected. “That’s energized our people and created an environment where they just can’t stop sharing the Gospel.”