Our Prayers Go To Maui


For a few years now, CDF Capital has been partnered with kingdom work in the state of Hawaii. Although none of our church partners or investors appear to be directly impacted by the wildfires in Maui, the death and destruction taking place on the beautiful island has affected us all. Our hearts break that, a place that is normally a paradise, has befallen such tragedy.

When unfathomable disaster befalls us, it can challenge our faith. But even when we don't understand why, we lean faithfully on the Creator of the Universe. The prophet Isaiah expressed similar comfort to the Israelites when he provided a word from the Lord,

"Do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

– Isaiah 41:10

Join us in praying for the people of Maui.

What is CDF Capital Doing?

As a team, we are praying that churches in the affected regions can step in and provide needed relief. We are working to identify ministries we can partner with and provide grants and financial assistance. We are asking for your help in identifying the churches, leaders, and people making a difference in the recovery effort. Please share stories of good works, needs, and people making a difference.
