Caring for the People in Your Household

How many are in your household? One? Two? Lots more than that? Regardless of the size of your household (family), God loves each member and puts great value on each life. God expects us to take responsibility for one another. His word teaches us to love, encourage, respect, and care for each other.

Through our hard work and God’s blessing, we provide for our family’s physical needs. We work and share with other believers to help the next generations grow, and meet their spiritual needs.

We honor God when we teach our families the importance of life stewardship. A key component of that stewardship is determining who will become the next steward of God’s resources when we no longer need them. This time may come sooner if we have more than enough to meet our family needs, or it will ultimately come when death occurs, and we go to be with the Lord.

If death occurs while we still have family depending upon us (minor children, aging parents, or others), then good stewardship requires that we have a plan to continue that care for as long as it is needed. A good estate plan can assure that you are following Paul’s guidance, and caring for those of your household.

Some family members may be too young or unable to fully comprehend the impact of an inheritance. There are ways to set up a trust to help guide them in your absence. If those individuals also need to be placed under a guardian’s care, do your homework and name guardians that share your values and have the ability to serve effectively.

You can also include other people, as you are led, in stewardship. If there are ministries, missionaries, a church, or other charities you want to help, a good plan can maximize that desire also.

The bottom line—your estate plan can continue your stewardship role, extending it beyond your lifetime. When well prepared, it can assure you have provided for your household and honor the Lord through the process.

© 2020 CDF Capital Foundation from the Lifestyle Giving Legacy files