Have you ever experienced a God-movement in your life? It’s a moment when you know deep down that God is restoring, refining, comforting, or challenging you. The gathering of believers at Dwelling Place Church in the Atlanta area lives expectantly, knowing that God is always moving in and through His Church.
Pastor Chad Craig and his wife Michelle felt God stirring them to plant another church, and in 2012, the Dwelling Place opened its doors in Woodstock, Georgia. Driven by a biblical vision of an active, alive, intentional, and self-reproducing church empowered by the Holy Spirit, Pastors Chad Craig and Craig Mosgrove approached discipleship creatively.
So, then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In Him, you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.
– Ephesians 2:19-22
The Dwelling Place is not content with being a stagnant church. Their driving God movement—what unites and mobilizes the believers as a single body—is to gather people to Jesus Christ and lead them to biblical maturity for the multiplication of believers, leaders, and churches. To this end, they welcome people of all backgrounds and cultures, manifest Christ in service to them, and commit to helping each person grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ.
For us, loving God looks a lot like loving people.
Since their first gathering, Dwelling Place Church has continued to gain momentum…yet without a permanent place of their own. Around 2018, they encountered an opportunity to purchase acreage close to their rented space. Due to strong stewardship and their partnership with CDF Capital, Dwelling Place was able to pay off the land and save $1M for the upcoming building project. The new facility will operate as a ministry and outreach hub where worship, children’s ministry, and more will occur.
“This leadership team has impressed me from the beginning with their thoroughness and strong abilities to communicate, steward, and direct their church to greater heights,” reflected CDF Capital field team member Matthew Carter. “We are very excited to see how the Lord moves, and this great church thrive for many years to come.”
To learn more about Dwelling Place Church, visit their website below.