What Makes CDF Different
CDF Capital connects kingdom-minded investors with growing churches to create new spaces for people to discover who Jesus really is.

Our Purpose
CDF Capital (previously Church Development Fund) was
created for a single mission: to help churches grow. For
more than seventy years, our focus has been addressing
the most significant barrier to church expansion: access
to the financial capital needed to purchase land and
construct buildings. We connect kingdom-building
investors with growing churches needing loans to
finance kingdom expansion projects.

Our Why
We believe every human on earth is on a spiritual journey.
We believe Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
We believe the local church provides the best means for humans to discover who Jesus really is.

Our Process
We lend churches money for land and buildings.
We share biblically-sound financial counsel.
We offer investment options to kingdom-minded individuals and institutions.

Our Governance
As a non-profit ministry, CDF Capital operates under the oversight of a board of directors, who are ultimately accountable to fund investors. The board trusts CDF Capital staff to provide satisfactory service and meet our organizational objective of supporting the local church with financing solutions. A list of board members is included in our annual offering circular.
CDF Capital’s operational model is tailored to our work among non-denominational churches that frequently collaborate to achieve collective goals. Since our historic mission affirms the local church’s autonomy, our goal is to strengthen churches while remaining accountable to fund investors.
CDF Capital is regulated by the securities administrators of each state in which it receives investments.
Helping Churches Grow
Individual investments with CDF Capital
Join thousands of kingdom-minded investors who have partnered together to use their savings and retirement funds to help churches grow.
Institutional Investments with CDF Capital
Join hundreds of ministries and businesses who utilize their cash reserves to help churches grow.
Trusted Loans for Church Growth
Discover financing solutions as your church seeks to purchase, refinance, or build your ministry home.
Over 70 Years of Financial Strength
For more than seventy years, CDF Capital has connected kingdom-building investors with growing churches to help finance projects nationwide. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.