Why Engage Facility Solutions During COVID-19

Address Church Building Concerns

  • While the building is in limited or low use, capitalize on the freedom to refresh the aesthetics and correct the issues holding you back from growth.

  • With COVID-19 affecting church attendance, focus on the facility and its missional alignment to entice people back to their church home. Overcome the obstacles that are currently keeping your members from attending.

  • With a tight budget, get direction on which projects to prioritize for the most impact on your mission.

Re-evaluate Building Use

  • The pre-pandemic church programming layout may conflict with COVID-19 safety standards. Identify the issues, decide on a solution, and be prepared.

  • Your mission may have shifted during this year. The previous programming layout may no longer accomplish the mission well. Work to make the building a tool for growth rather than a burden to the mission.

Evaluate the Needs for a New Meeting Space

  • Because of COVID-19 or other reasons, you need a new space. Time is of the essence. Get help with making smart decisions for success—for the present and the future.
  • Understand the spectrum of the real costs associated with a move before signing a new lease.

  • Grab hold of a realistic schedule for this move. Use a scheduling tool to clearly communicate to the congregation.

How We Can Help

Connect with CDF Capital Facility Solutions today. Email Chris Davenport at cdavenport@cdfcapital.org or call toll free at 1-800-843-2233. Download Why Engage in Facility Solutions During COVID-19 below.