The Person Behind the Pulpit

If there is one thing CDF Capital has learned over the past 65 years is that pastors are people. That sounds like an obvious thing to say, but it is important to understand. Here is why:

It is easy for Christians to look past the person leading the church we attend and see a figurehead appointment by God to meet our spiritual needs. We see the leaders of our churches as somehow different, set apart, or elevated in such a way where their needs are different than our needs. As if they are someone shielded from the doubts that plague us.

"Now it is up to us to come together in prayer."—@nathanrelson 

The Apostle Paul makes an impassioned plea in the opening verses of 1 Corinthians 9 for the church to care for those who lead and preach. While these verses are generally accepted as a call for us to financially support preachers, I cannot help but hear something more basic in his words. I like to think this plea is not just about provision; I like to think that was a plea for the church to see them as human. To see them as people who have needs, just like everyone else.

In February 2017 Barna Research Group released a fascinating study called The State of Pastors. This monograph is an in-depth look at both how the pastors of our churches identify themselves and their concerns and how the general public identifies them.


Image provided by Barna's resources for pastors

This is important. Not only because it is full of great information about church leaders—but because this research shows us, unequivocally, their humanness.

There is an opportunity here for Christians to reframe how we look at, think about, and pray for the leaders of our churches. Having sat in that seat of a church leader in several contexts, I can say that they need our prayers.

Barna’s research provides us with the insight we need. Now it is up to us to come together in prayer.

Helping You on Your Mission

At CDF we're inspired to see all churches living out their mission in their communities. It's why we exist—to help churches grow and live out their God-given mission. If your church is looking for financial or leadership support as you live out your mission, we're here for you.